Wednesday, August 24, 2011

22nd Annual General Meeting

Sunday,  September 25,  2011  at  1 pm
Scandinavian Centre, Burnaby

See official notice below

Welcome to everyone!

The business meeting will be fairly brief and immediately it is over, we will show a film. 
We must clear the Centre by 4:00 pm promptly.
Please help yourself to refreshments and coffee while attending the meeting.

Backwood Philosopher (2009)
(Havukka-Ahon Ajattelija)

Based on his most famous 1952 novel of the same name by Veikko Huovinen, Kari Väänänen directed this humorous film about the eccentric story teller and backwoods philosopher Konsta Pylkkänen and the time he spent as a guide to two university biologists doing research in eastern Finland.  Konsta Pylkkänen (Kai Lehtinen), is a rascal who lives by his wits and wiles - preferring to spend his time thinking deep thoughts rather than doing heavy labour.  These men develop a relationship that transcends differences in geography, class and education.
    Kari Väänänen has assembled a stellar supporting cast including Kati Outinen, and an excellent cinematographer, Timo Salminen, who makes the most of the glorious rural landscape near Kuhmo.

In Finnish with English subtitles   

Date: September 25, 2011 at 1:00 pm 
Place: Scandinavian Centre
6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby, BC 

1.         Call to Order
2.         President's Report
3.         Review of Previous minutes
4.         Treasurer's Report
5.         Membership Report
6.         Old Business
7.         New Business
8.         Election of Officers
9.         Other business
10.       Adjournment
Please come and join us for this meeting, refreshments and a film.  We look forward to seeing you there.
We are always looking for new Board members to help us plan and organize events throughout the year.

If you have some ideas that you would like to put forward, please come and join us. 

We have meetings once a month on the first Monday evening of the month

Dianne Kilback, President, Canadian Friends of Finland



Under the North Star - Part II
(Täällä Pohjantähden alla II)

Sunday October 16, 2011 at 1 pm

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